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The Latest Health Tips

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The Latest Health Tips

Tips and Tricks
A little precaution and planning can go a long way when traveling abroad. We have gathered a few tips and tricks to keep you safe while traveling



Keep Your Money Safe
Do not carry too much cash on you, only the necessary amount for each day, keep some emergency cash in a safe at your hotel. If possible, travel with 2 credit cards, make sure to keep the second credit card in a safe at your hotel in case of an emergency. Also, make sure to notify your bank of your travel plans before your departure.


Avoiding Being a Target
If traveling to a high crime rate country, do not wear or carry jewelry or expensive gear. Keep your expensive stuff in a safe at your hotel room or reception. When going to the beach, take only what’s really necessary and keep it simple at all times. Do not accept help from strangers while using ATM machines.

Driving In a Foreign Country
If renting a car in a foreign country, make sure you understand the road rules before you start driving, different countries have different road regulations. Also, watch out for fake police officers on the road. Carry your ID with you at all times and possibly state your blood type in a document ID and always let family and friends know your whereabouts and your travel plans during and before the trip.